How To Ensure Your Time Lapse Camera For Construction Sites Is Doing Its Job Right

There are many types of cameras out there for different purposes. Time lapse cameras for construction sites are a breed of their own, however, and require the operator to be aware of some basic yet critical things if they are going to capture the beautiful time lapse you are envisioning.

Time lapse photography is unlike other kinds of photography in that it is closer in kind to shooting a movie than taking a photograph. When taking a normal photograph, all the photographer has to capture is a moment. It takes a second and then it’s over. With time lapse, like with film, the photographer captures movement over time. However, with film, one typically captures a few seconds or maybe minutes of footage at a time, whereas with time lapse the passage of months or even years can be captured in the frame.

Such long-term photography requires the right tools and knowledge of how to use them correctly. Let’s take a look at two tips for using a construction time lapse camera.

Don’t Get The Sun In Frame

When setting up the time lapse camera to capture your construction project, you want to ensure that it’s not facing the sun. The sun will move across the frame throughout every day, and if the camera is facing into the sun, it could cause a whiteout or flare, thereby ruining the image. Generally, it is considered a good idea to face the camera southwards to avoid capturing the rising or setting sun in the frame.

Generally speaking, one should try to set the timer on the time lapse to avoid capturing the harsh transition between light and dark at sunset and sunrise altogether, which can be harsh on the eyes and difficult to watch when sped up later on.

Timelaspe Camera
Time Lapse Camera set up

Consider Doubling Up

Despite one’s best efforts, sometimes your footage capturing can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Perhaps a bird lands in front of your camera, poops on the camera lens or builds a nest in front of the camera. Perhaps the weatherproof housing fails for some reason, and water gets in and damages the camera. Perhaps the mount for the camera is dislodged somehow and the image goes skew or the camera falls.

A million things could go wrong when you leave a camera set up outside on a pole for months on end. While most potential pitfalls can be adequately prepared for and avoided with a professional crew, sometimes things do go wrong anyway.

If the construction project is a once-in-a-lifetime event that can’t be repeated should the footage get ruined somehow, then you’d be well-advised to take out insurance by setting up a second camera as a backup.

For more expertise and peace of mind when it comes to operating time lapse cameras for construction sites, contact Construction Time Lapse Specialists. We will make sure that everything runs smoothly and that you get the end product you’re aiming for.